module Ctx : Libzipperposition.Ctx.S
module C : Libzipperposition.Clause.S with module Ctx = Ctx
module ProofState : Libzipperposition.ProofState.S with module C = C and module Ctx = Ctx
type generate_rule
= full:bool -> unit -> C.t list
Generation of clauses regardless of current clause.
- parameter full
if true, perform more thorough checks
type clause_elim_rule
= unit -> unit
Eliminates clauses from the proof state using algorithms like blocked clause elimination and similar
type binary_inf_rule
= inf_rule
type unary_inf_rule
= inf_rule
type simplify_rule
= C.t -> C.t Libzipperposition.SimplM.t
Simplify the clause structurally (basic simplifications), in the simplification monad.
(c, `Same)
means the clause has not been simplified;(c, `New)
means the clause has been simplified at least once
type active_simplify_rule
= simplify_rule
type rw_simplify_rule
= simplify_rule
type backward_simplify_rule
= C.t -> C.ClauseSet.t
backward simplification by a unit clause. It returns a set of active clauses that can potentially be simplified by the given clause.
backward_simplify c
therefore returns a subset ofProofState.ActiveSet.clauses ()
type redundant_rule
= C.t -> bool
check whether the clause is redundant w.r.t the set
type backward_redundant_rule
= C.ClauseSet.t -> C.t -> C.ClauseSet.t
find redundant clauses in
w.r.t the clause. first param is the set of already known redundant clause, the rule should add clauses to it
type immediate_simplification_rule
= C.t -> C.t Iter.t -> C.t Iter.t option
Following Kotelnikov's iProver superposition implementation, try to simplify given clause (first argument) using a set of clauses (second argument). If simplification suceeded, then a set of clauses to be injected into passive set is returned.
type is_trivial_trail_rule
= Libzipperposition.Trail.t -> bool
Rule that checks whether the trail is trivial (a tautology)
type is_trivial_rule
= C.t -> bool
Rule that checks whether the clause is trivial (a tautology)
type term_rewrite_rule
= Logtk.Term.t -> (Logtk.Term.t * Logtk.Proof.parent list) option
Rewrite rule on terms
type term_norm_rule
= Logtk.Term.t -> Logtk.Term.t option
Normalization rule on terms
type lit_rewrite_rule
= Logtk.Literal.t -> (Logtk.Literal.t * Logtk.Proof.parent list * Logtk.Proof.tag list) option
Rewrite rule on literals
type multi_simpl_rule
= C.t -> C.t list option
(maybe) rewrite a clause to a set of clauses. Must return
if the clause is unmodified
type 'a conversion_result
rule didn't fire
drop the clause from the proof state
CR_add of 'a
add this to the result
CR_return of 'a
shortcut the remaining rules, return this
type clause_conversion_rule
= Logtk.Statement.clause_t -> C.t list conversion_result
A hook to convert a particular statement into a list of clauses
Modify the Env
val add_passive : C.t Iter.t -> unit
Add passive clauses
val add_active : C.t Iter.t -> unit
Add active clauses
val add_simpl : C.t Iter.t -> unit
Add simplification clauses
val remove_passive : C.t Iter.t -> unit
Remove passive clauses
val remove_active : C.t Iter.t -> unit
Remove active clauses
val remove_simpl : C.t Iter.t -> unit
Remove simplification clauses
val get_passive : unit -> C.t Iter.t
Passive clauses
val get_active : unit -> C.t Iter.t
Active clauses
val add_binary_inf : string -> binary_inf_rule -> unit
Add a binary inference rule
val add_unary_inf : string -> unary_inf_rule -> unit
Add a unary inference rule
val add_rw_simplify : rw_simplify_rule -> unit
Add forward rewriting rule
val add_active_simplify : active_simplify_rule -> unit
Add simplification w.r.t active set
val add_backward_simplify : backward_simplify_rule -> unit
Add simplification of the active set
val add_redundant : redundant_rule -> unit
Add redundancy criterion w.r.t. the active set
val add_backward_redundant : backward_redundant_rule -> unit
Add rule that finds redundant clauses within active set
val add_basic_simplify : simplify_rule -> unit
Add basic simplification rule
val add_unary_simplify : simplify_rule -> unit
Add unary simplification rule (not dependent on proof state)
val add_multi_simpl_rule : priority:int -> multi_simpl_rule -> unit
Add a multi-clause simplification rule
val add_single_step_multi_simpl_rule : multi_simpl_rule -> unit
Add a multi-clause simplification rule, that is going to be applied only once, not in a fixed-point manner
val add_cheap_multi_simpl_rule : multi_simpl_rule -> unit
Add an efficient multi-clause simplification rule, that will be used to simplify newly generated clauses when they are moved from unprocessed to passive set.
val add_is_trivial_trail : is_trivial_trail_rule -> unit
Add tautology detection rule
val add_is_trivial : is_trivial_rule -> unit
Add tautology detection rule
val add_rewrite_rule : string -> term_rewrite_rule -> unit
Add a term rewrite rule
val set_ho_normalization_rule : string -> term_norm_rule -> unit
Add a ho norm rule
val get_ho_normalization_rule : unit -> term_norm_rule
val add_immediate_simpl_rule : immediate_simplification_rule -> unit
val add_lit_rule : string -> lit_rewrite_rule -> unit
Add a literal rewrite rule
val add_generate : priority:int -> string -> generate_rule -> unit
Add a generation rule with assigned priority. Rules with higher priority will be tried first.
val add_clause_elimination_rule : priority:int -> string -> clause_elim_rule -> unit
val cr_skip : _ conversion_result
val cr_return : 'a -> 'a conversion_result
val cr_add : 'a -> 'a conversion_result
val add_clause_conversion : clause_conversion_rule -> unit
val add_step_init : (unit -> unit) -> unit
add a function to call before each saturation step
Use the Env
val multi_simplify : C.t -> C.t list option
Can we simplify the clause into a List of simplified clauses?
val params : Libzipperposition.Params.t
val get_empty_clauses : unit -> C.ClauseSet.t
Set of known empty clauses
val get_some_empty_clause : unit -> C.t option
Some empty clause, if present, otherwise None
val on_start : unit Logtk.Signal.t
Triggered before starting saturation
val on_input_statement : Logtk.Statement.clause_t Logtk.Signal.t
Triggered on every input statement
val on_forward_simplified : (C.t * C.t option) Logtk.Signal.t
Triggered when after the clause set is fully forward-simplified. First argument is the original clause c and the second one is Some c' if c simplifies into c' or None if c is deemed redundant
val convert_input_statements : Logtk.Statement.clause_t CCVector.ro_vector -> C.t Libzipperposition.Clause.sets
Convert raw input statements into clauses, triggering
val on_empty_clause : C.t Logtk.Signal.t
Signal triggered when an empty clause is found
val ord : unit -> Logtk.Ordering.t
val precedence : unit -> Logtk.Precedence.t
val signature : unit -> Logtk.Signature.t
val pp : unit CCFormat.printer
val pp_full : unit CCFormat.printer
High level operations
val stats : unit -> stats
Compute stats
val next_passive : unit -> C.t option
Extract next passive clause
val do_generate : full:bool -> unit -> C.t Iter.t
do generating inferences
val do_clause_eliminate : unit -> unit
changes the proof state by running registered clause elimination procedures and removing all the eliminated clauses from the proof state
val is_trivial_trail : Libzipperposition.Trail.t -> bool
Check whether the trail is trivial
val is_trivial : C.t -> bool
Check whether the clause is trivial
val is_active : C.t -> bool
Is the clause in the active set
val is_passive : C.t -> bool
Is the clause a passive clause?
val basic_simplify : simplify_rule
Basic (and fast) simplifications
val unary_simplify : simplify_rule
Simplify the clause.
val backward_simplify : C.t -> C.ClauseSet.t * C.t Iter.t
Perform backward simplification with the given clause. It returns the CSet of clauses that become redundant, and the sequence of those very same clauses after simplification.
val simplify_active_with : (C.t -> C.t list option) -> unit
Can be called when a simplification relation becomes stronger, with the strengthened relation. (e.g. new axioms should be declared because a theory was detected). This will go through the whole active set, trying to simplify clauses with the given function. Simplified clauses will be put back in the passive set.
val forward_simplify : simplify_rule
Simplify the clause w.r.t to the active set and experts
val cheap_multi_simplify : C.t -> C.t list option
Cheap simplifications that can result in multiple clauses (e.g. AVATAR splitting)
val immediate_simplify : C.t -> C.t Iter.t -> C.t Iter.t
Simplify given clause using its children. Given clause is removed from active set and result of this rule is added to passive set, if any of the registered rules suceeded
val is_redundant : C.t -> bool
Is the given clause redundant w.r.t the active set?
val subsumed_by : C.t -> C.ClauseSet.t
List of active clauses subsumed by the given clause
val all_simplify : C.t -> C.t list Libzipperposition.SimplM.t
Use all simplification rules to convert a clause into a set of maximally simplified clause (or
if they are all trivial).
val step_init : unit -> unit
call all functions registered with
val flex_state : unit -> Logtk.Flex_state.t
State inherited from configuration
val update_flex_state : (Logtk.Flex_state.t -> Logtk.Flex_state.t) -> unit
update_flex_state f
changesflex_state ()
val flex_add : 'a Logtk.Flex_state.key -> 'a -> unit
k -> v
to the flex state
val flex_get : 'a Logtk.Flex_state.key -> 'a
flex_get k
is the same asFlex_state.get_exn k (flex_state ())
.- raises Not_found
if the key is not present
val on_pred_var_elimination : (C.t * Logtk.Term.t) Logtk.Signal.t
this signal is raised if a formula that universally quantifies a predicate removes that predicate and rules that want to instantiate it early should listen to this
val on_pred_skolem_introduction : (C.t * Logtk.Term.t) Logtk.Signal.t
this signal is raised when a predicate Skolem is introduced