Index of types

active_simplify_rule [Env_intf.S]
any_phase [Phases]
axiom [MetaProverState_intf.S]

backward_redundant_rule [Env_intf.S]
find redundant clauses in ProofState.ActiveSet w.r.t the clause.
backward_simplify_rule [Env_intf.S]
backward simplification by a unit clause.
binary_inf_rule [Env_intf.S]
bool_lit [Trail]
bool_lit [ProofStep]

case [Ind_cst]
clause [Sat_solver_intf.S]
clause [Clause_intf.S]
clause_conversion_rule [Env_intf.S]
A hook to convert a particular statement into a list of clauses
conversion_result [Env_intf.S]
cover_set [Ind_cst]
cst [Ind_cst]
cut_res [Avatar_intf.S]

decl [EnumTypes.S]
declare_result [EnumTypes.S]
divides [ArithLit]
num^power divides monome or not.
divisor [ArithLit.Util]

env_action [Extensions]
An extension is allowed to modify an environment
env_with_clauses [Phases]
env_with_result [Phases]

filename [Phases]
flag [SClause]
flag [Clause_intf.S]
form [ProofStep]

generate_rule [Env_intf.S]
Generation of clauses regardless of current clause

hook_from [Literal.Conv]
hook_to [Literal.Conv]

inductive_path [BBox]
inf_rule [Env_intf.S]
An inference returns a list of conclusions
is_trivial_rule [Env_intf.S]
Rule that checks whether the clause is trivial (a tautology)

key [Flex_state]
kind [ProofStep]
Classification of proof steps

lemma [MetaProverState_intf.S]
lit [ArithLit]
lit_rewrite_rule [Env_intf.S]
Rewrite rule on literals

monome [Monome]
multi_simpl_rule [Env_intf.S]
(maybe) rewrite a clause to a set of clauses.

of_ [ProofStep]
Proof Step with its conclusion
op [ArithLit]
or_error [MetaProverState_intf]
or_error [MetaProverState]
or_error [Phases]
or_error [Extensions]

packed [Env]
parametrized [Compute_prec]
Some values are parametrized by the list of statements
path [Ind_cst]
path_cell [Ind_cst]
payload [Bool_lit_intf.S]
Additional data carried in the literal
payload [BBox]
phase [Phases]
pre_rewrite [MetaProverState_intf.S]
prec_action [Extensions]
Actions that modify the set of rules Compute_prec
print_hook [Literal]
might print the literal on the given buffer.
printer [Avatar]
profile [ClauseQueue_intf]
profile [ClauseQueue]
proof [Sat_solver_intf]
proof [Clause_intf]
proof [ProofStep]
proof_step [Sat_solver_intf]
proof_step [Clause_intf]

redundant_rule [Env_intf.S]
check whether the clause is redundant w.r.t the set
res [Classify_cst]
result [Sat_solver_intf]
result [ProofStep]
rewrite [MetaProverState_intf.S]
Rewrite system
rule [ProofStep]
rule_clause [Rewrite_rule]
rule_info [ProofStep]
rule_term [Rewrite_rule]
rw_simplify_rule [Env_intf.S]

save_level [Sat_solver_intf.S]
sequence [ProofStep]
simplify_rule [Env_intf.S]
Simplify the clause structurally (basic simplifications), in the simplification monad.
solution [Monome.Int.Solve]
List of constraints (term = monome).
spec [AC_intf]
spec [AC]
split [Literal.Pos]
Full description of a position in a literal.
state [Extensions]
state_actions [Extensions]
stats [Env_intf.S]
statistics on clauses : num active, num passive, num simplification
stats [ProofState_intf.S]
statistics on the state (num active, num passive, num simplification)
subst [ClauseContext]
szs_status [Saturate]
The SZS status of a state

t [MetaProverState_intf.S.Result]
t [Rewrite_rule.Set]
t [Flex_state]
t [Phases]
Monad type, representing an action starting at phase 'p1 and stopping at phase 'p2
t [Trail]
t [Bool_lit.PAYLOAD]
t [ClauseContext]
A context is represented as a regular array of literals, containing at least one specific variable x, paired with this variable x.
t [Bool_lit_intf.S]
t [BBox]
t [ArithLit.Focus]
focus on a term in one of the two monomes
t [ArithLit]
t [Monome.Int]
t [Monome.Focus]
t [Monome]
A monome over terms, with coefficient of type 'a
t [Params]
t [Compute_prec]
t [SimplM]
t [Selection]
t [ProofPrint]
t [ProofStep]
A proof step, without the conclusion
t [Literals]
Array of literals
t [Literal]
a literal, that is, a signed atomic formula
t [Extensions]
An extension contains a number of actions that can modify the Flex_state.t during preprocessing, or modify the Env_intf.S once it is built.
t [SClause]
t [ClauseQueue_intf.S.WeightFun]
attribute a weight to a clause.
t [Clause_intf.S.WithPos]
t [Clause_intf.S.Eligible]
Eligibility criterion for a literal
t [Clause_intf.S]
t [ClauseQueue_intf.S]
A priority queue.
term [MetaProverState_intf]
term [EnumTypes]
term [ClauseContext]
term [ArithLit]
term [Monome]
term [Literals]
term [Literal]
term_rewrite_rule [Env_intf.S]
Rewrite rule on terms
theory [MetaProverState_intf.S]

unary_inf_rule [Env_intf.S]
unif [ArithLit]

valuation [Trail]
A boolean valuation