Module Ind_cst

module Ind_cst: sig .. end

Inductive Constants and Cases

Skolem constants of an inductive type, coversets, etc. required for inductive reasoning.

exception InvalidDecl of string
type cst 
type case 
type path_cell = private {
   path_cst : cst;
   path_case : case;
   path_clauses : ClauseContext.t list;
type path = path_cell list 
type cover_set = case list 

Inductive Case

An inductive case is a term that belongs to the coverset of some inductive constant. The inductive constant must fall into one of the cases in its coverset.

Every case starts with a constructor of its type.

val case_equal : case -> case -> bool
val case_compare : case -> case -> int
val case_hash : case -> int
val pp_case : case CCFormat.printer
val case_to_term : case -> Libzipperposition.FOTerm.t
val case_is_rec : case -> bool
val case_is_base : case -> bool
val case_sub_constants : case -> cst Sequence.t
All sub-constants that are subterms of a specific case
val cover_set_cases : ?which:[ `All | `Base | `Rec ] ->
cover_set -> case Sequence.t
Cases of the cover set

Inductive Constants

A ground term of an inductive type. It must correspond to a term built with the corresponding t only. For instance, a constant of type nat should be equal to s^n(0) in any model.

exception Payload_cst of cst
val as_cst : Libzipperposition.ID.t -> cst option
val as_cst_exn : Libzipperposition.ID.t -> cst
Unsafe version of Ind_cst.as_cst
Raises NotAnInductiveConstant if it fails
val is_cst : Libzipperposition.ID.t -> bool
Check whether the given constant is an inductive constant
val on_new_cst : cst Signal.t
Triggered with new inductive constants
val declare_cst : ?cover_set_depth:int ->
Libzipperposition.ID.t -> ty:Libzipperposition.Type.t -> cst
Adds the constant to the set of inductive constants, make a coverset...
cover_set_depth : depth of cover_set terms; the deeper, the larger the cover set will be (default 1)
val cst_of_term : Libzipperposition.FOTerm.t -> cst option
cst_of_term t returns a new or existing constant for this term, if any.
Raises InvalidDecl if the term is not ground nor of an inductive type
Returns None if the term is not to be converted into a constant
val cst_of_id : Libzipperposition.ID.t -> Libzipperposition.Type.t -> cst
cst_of_id id ty returns a new or existing constant for this id.
Raises InvalidDecl if the type is not an inductive type
val declarations_of_cst : cst -> (Libzipperposition.ID.t * Libzipperposition.Type.t) Sequence.t
declarations_of_cst c returns a list of type declarations that should be made if c is new (declare the subcases of its coverset)
val cst_equal : cst -> cst -> bool
val cst_compare : cst -> cst -> int
val cst_hash : cst -> int
val cst_id : cst -> Libzipperposition.ID.t
val cst_to_term : cst -> Libzipperposition.FOTerm.t
val cst_ty : cst -> Libzipperposition.Type.t
val cst_same_type : cst -> cst -> bool
val pp_cst : cst CCFormat.printer
val cst_depth : cst -> int
val cst_cover_set : cst -> cover_set option
Get the cover set of this constant:

a set of ground terms [t1,...,tn] with fresh constants inside (that are not declared as inductive!) such that bigor_{i in 1...n} t=ti is the skolemized version of the exhaustivity axiom on t's type.

val find_cst_in_term : Libzipperposition.FOTerm.t -> cst Sequence.t
find_cst_in_lits term searches subterms of term for constants that are of an inductive type and that are not constructors. It returns the sequence of such inductive constants.
val is_sub_cst : Libzipperposition.ID.t -> bool
Is the term a constant that was created within a cover set?
val is_sub_cst_of : Libzipperposition.ID.t -> cst -> bool
val as_sub_cst_of : Libzipperposition.ID.t -> cst -> cst option
downcasts iff t is a sub-constant of cst
val cover_set_sub_constants : cover_set -> cst Sequence.t
All sub-constants of a given inductive constant
val dominates : cst -> cst -> bool
dominates c sub is true if sub is a sub-constant of c, or if some sub-constant of c dominates sub transitively


A path is a sequence of nested inductions on distinct constants and corresponding sets of clause contexts.

val path_equal : path -> path -> bool
val path_compare : path -> path -> int
val path_hash : path -> int
val path_empty : path
val path_cons : cst ->
case -> ClauseContext.t list -> path -> path
val path_length : path -> int
val path_dominates : path -> path -> bool
path_dominates a b is true if b is a suffix of a. In other words, a is a path to a subtree of what b is a path to.
val path_contains_cst : path -> cst -> bool
Does the path contain this inductive constant?
val pp_path : path CCFormat.printer
val lits_of_path : path -> Literals.t
Extract the raw equality literals from this path