Module Literals

module Literals: sig .. end

Array of literals

type term = Libzipperposition.FOTerm.t 
type t = Literal.t array 
Array of literals
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val equal_com : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
include Interfaces.HASH
val variant : ?subst:Libzipperposition.Substs.t ->
t Libzipperposition.Scoped.t ->
t Libzipperposition.Scoped.t ->
Libzipperposition.Substs.t Sequence.t
Variant checking (alpha-equivalence). It can reorder literals to do its check, so that might be computationnally expensive (a bit like subsumption).
val are_variant : t -> t -> bool
Simple interface on top of Literals.variant with distinc scopes
val weight : t -> int
val depth : t -> int
val vars : t -> Libzipperposition.Type.t Libzipperposition.HVar.t list
val is_ground : t -> bool
all the literals are ground?
val to_form : t -> term Libzipperposition.SLiteral.t list
Make a 'or' formula from literals
val apply_subst : renaming:Libzipperposition.Substs.Renaming.t ->
Libzipperposition.Substs.t ->
t Libzipperposition.Scoped.t -> t
val map : (term -> term) -> t -> t
val pos : t -> CCBV.t
val neg : t -> CCBV.t
val maxlits : ord:Libzipperposition.Ordering.t -> t -> CCBV.t
Bitvector of positions of maximal literals
val maxlits_l : ord:Libzipperposition.Ordering.t -> t -> (Literal.t * int) list
List of maximal literals, with their index, among the array
val is_max : ord:Libzipperposition.Ordering.t -> t -> int -> bool
Is the i-th literal maximal in the ordering?
val is_trivial : t -> bool
Tautology? (simple syntactic criterion only)
val is_absurd : t -> bool
All literals are false, or there are no literals
module Seq: sig .. end

High order combinators

module Pos: sig .. end
module Conv: sig .. end
module View: sig .. end
val fold_lits : eligible:(int -> Literal.t -> bool) ->
t -> (Literal.t * int) Sequence.t
Fold over literals who satisfy eligible. The folded function is given the literal and its index.
val fold_eqn : ?both:bool ->
?sign:bool ->
ord:Libzipperposition.Ordering.t ->
eligible:(int -> Literal.t -> bool) ->
t ->
(term * term * bool * Libzipperposition.Position.t)
fold f over all literals sides, with their positions. f is given (left side, right side, sign, position of left side) if ord is present, then only the max side of an oriented equation will be visited, otherwise they will both be explored. if both = true, then both sides of a non-oriented equation will be visited, otherwise only one side. if sign = true, then only positive equations are visited; if it's false, only negative ones; if it's not defined, both.
val fold_arith : eligible:(int -> Literal.t -> bool) ->
t -> (ArithLit.t * Libzipperposition.Position.t) Sequence.t
Fold over eligible arithmetic literals
val fold_arith_terms : eligible:(int -> Literal.t -> bool) ->
which:[< `All | `Max ] ->
ord:Libzipperposition.Ordering.t ->
t ->
(term * ArithLit.Focus.t * Libzipperposition.Position.t) Sequence.t
Fold on terms under arithmetic literals, with the focus on the current term
val fold_terms : ?vars:bool ->
?ty_args:bool ->
which:[< `All | `Max ] ->
ord:Libzipperposition.Ordering.t ->
subterms:bool ->
eligible:(int -> Literal.t -> bool) ->
t -> (term * Libzipperposition.Position.t) Sequence.t
See Literal.fold_terms, which is the same but for the eligible argument
val symbols : ?init:Libzipperposition.ID.Set.t -> t -> Libzipperposition.ID.Set.t


val pp : t CCFormat.printer
val pp_tstp : t CCFormat.printer
val to_string : t -> string

Special kinds of literal arrays

val is_RR_horn_clause : t -> bool
Recognized whether the clause is a Range-Restricted Horn clause
val is_horn : t -> bool
Recognizes Horn clauses (at most one positive literal)
val is_pos_eq : t -> (term * term) option
Recognize whether the clause is a positive unit equality.