Module Logtk_parsers.Trace_tstp
Trace of a TSTP prover
type id
type term
= Logtk.STerm.t
type form
= Logtk.STerm.t
type clause
= term Logtk.SLiteral.t list
type t
Axiom of string * string
Theory of string
InferForm of form * step lazy_t
InferClause of clause * step lazy_t
and step
id : id;
rule : string;
parents : t array;
esa : bool;
Equisatisfiable step?
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val mk_f_axiom : id:id -> form -> file:string -> name:string -> t
val mk_c_axiom : id:id -> clause -> file:string -> name:string -> t
val mk_f_step : ?esa:bool -> id:id -> form -> rule:string -> t list -> t
val mk_c_step : ?esa:bool -> id:id -> clause -> rule:string -> t list -> t
val is_axiom : t -> bool
val is_theory : t -> bool
val is_step : t -> bool
val is_proof_of_false : t -> bool
val get_id : t -> id
Obtain the ID of the proof step.
- raises Invalid_argument
if the step is Axiom or Theory
val force : t -> unit
Force the lazy proof step, if any
Proof traversal
type proof_set
= unit StepTbl.t
val is_dag : t -> bool
Is the proof a proper DAG?
val traverse : ?traversed:proof_set -> t -> (t -> unit) -> unit
Traverse the proof. Each proof node is traversed only once, using the set to recognize already traversed proofs.
val depth : t -> int
Max depth of the proof
val size : t -> int
Number of nodes in the proof
val of_decls : form Ast_tptp.t Iter.t -> t or_error
Try to extract a proof from a list of TSTP statements.
Debug printing, non recursive
include Logtk.Interfaces.PRINT with type t := t
val pp1 : t CCFormat.printer
Print proof step, and its parents
val pp_tstp : t CCFormat.printer
print the whole proofs