Module Logtk_parsers.Ast_dk
AST utils for dedukti
module A = Logtk.UntypedAST
module T = Logtk.STerm
include T
Simple Terms
type location
= Logtk.ParseLocation.t
type var
V of string
type t
= private
term : view;
loc : location option;
attrs : attr list;
and match_branch
Match_case of string * var list * t
Match_default of t
and view
Var of var
Const of string
AppBuiltin of Logtk.Builtin.t * t list
App of t * t list
apply term
Ite of t * t * t
Match of t * match_branch list
Let of (var * t) list * t
Bind of Logtk.Binder.t * typed_var list * t
bind n variables
List of t list
special constructor for lists
Record of (string * t) list * var option
extensible record
and typed_var
= var * t option
and attr
type term
= t
val mk_var : ?loc:location -> var -> t
val app : ?loc:location -> t -> t list -> t
val app_const : ?loc:location -> string -> t list -> t
val builtin : ?loc:location -> Logtk.Builtin.t -> t
val app_builtin : ?loc:location -> Logtk.Builtin.t -> t list -> t
val const : ?loc:location -> ?attrs:attr list -> string -> t
val bind : ?loc:location -> Logtk.Binder.t -> typed_var list -> t -> t
val ite : ?loc:location -> t -> t -> t -> t
val match_ : ?loc:location -> t -> match_branch list -> t
val let_ : ?loc:location -> (var * t) list -> t -> t
val list_ : ?loc:location -> t list -> t
val nil : t
val record : ?loc:location -> (string * t) list -> rest:var option -> t
val at_loc : loc:location -> t -> t
val wildcard : t
val is_app : t -> bool
val is_var : t -> bool
val true_ : t
val false_ : t
val and_ : ?loc:location -> t list -> t
val or_ : ?loc:location -> t list -> t
val not_ : ?loc:location -> t -> t
val equiv : ?loc:location -> t -> t -> t
val xor : ?loc:location -> t -> t -> t
val imply : ?loc:location -> t -> t -> t
val eq : ?loc:location -> t -> t -> t
val neq : ?loc:location -> t -> t -> t
val forall : ?loc:location -> typed_var list -> t -> t
val exists : ?loc:location -> typed_var list -> t -> t
val lambda : ?loc:location -> typed_var list -> t -> t
val int_ : Z.t -> t
val of_int : int -> t
val rat : Q.t -> t
val real : string -> t
val tType : t
val term : t
val prop : t
val ty_int : t
val ty_rat : t
val ty_real : t
val fun_ty : ?loc:location -> t list -> t -> t
val forall_ty : ?loc:location -> typed_var list -> t -> t
val ty_unfold : t -> t list * t
val unfold_bind : Logtk.Binder.t -> t -> typed_var list * t
module Set = Logtk.STerm.Set
module Map = Logtk.STerm.Map
module Tbl = Logtk.STerm.Tbl
module StringSet = Logtk.STerm.StringSet
module Seq = Logtk.STerm.Seq
val ground : t -> bool
val close_all : Logtk.Binder.t -> t -> t
Bind all free vars with the symbol
include Logtk.Interfaces.PRINT with type t := t
module TPTP = Logtk.STerm.TPTP
module TPTP_THF = Logtk.STerm.TPTP_THF
module ZF = Logtk.STerm.ZF
val pp_in : Logtk.Output_format.t -> t CCFormat.printer
module StrMap = Logtk.STerm.StrMap
type statement
= Logtk.UntypedAST.statement
type ty
= T.t
val cast : T.t -> T.t -> term
val const : string -> T.t
val mk_const : string -> T.t -> term
val mk_const_t : string -> term
val var : string -> T.t
val mk_var : string -> T.t -> term
val mk_var_t : string -> term
val v : string -> var
val ty_aliases : (string, ty) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val find_alias : or_else:ty -> string -> ty
val add_alias : string -> T.t -> unit
val type_nat : term
Unknown_builtin of string
Bad_arity of string * int
Application_head_is_not_a_var of term
val mk_app : T.t -> T.t list -> T.t
val mk_app_const : string -> T.t list -> T.t
val mk_arrow_l : T.t list -> T.t -> T.t
val mk_arrow : T.t -> T.t -> T.t
val mk_fun : T.typed_var list -> T.t -> T.t
val mk_forall : T.typed_var list -> T.t -> T.t
val mk_int : string -> T.t
val ty_prop : T.t
val mk_ty_decl : ?loc:A.Loc.t -> string -> A.ty -> A.statement
val mk_assert : ?loc:A.Loc.t -> name:string -> A.term -> A.statement
val mk_goal : ?loc:A.Loc.t -> name:string -> A.term -> A.statement
val mk_def : ?loc:A.Loc.t -> string -> A.ty -> T.t -> A.statement
val mk_rewrite : ?loc:A.Loc.t -> A.term -> A.statement