Module Libzipperposition.Cover_set
Cover Set
type cst
= Ind_cst.t
type term
= Logtk.Term.t
type case
type t
module Case : sig ... end
val pp : t CCFormat.printer
val ty : t -> Logtk.Type.t
val top : t -> cst
top constant of the coverset
val declarations : t -> (Logtk.ID.t * Logtk.Type.t) Iter.t
declarations set
returns a list of type declarations that should be made ifset
is new (declare the top cst and its subcases)
val make : ?cover_set_depth:int -> depth:int -> Logtk.Type.t -> t
Build a cover set for the given type.
a set of ground terms
with fresh constants inside (that are not declared as inductive!) such thatbigor_{i in 1...n} t=ti
is the skolemized version of the exhaustivity axiom ont
's type.- parameter depth
the induction depth for the top constant in the coverset
- parameter cover_set_depth
the depth of each case, that is, the number of constructor between the root of terms and leaf constants. default