Module Logtk_proofs.LLProof_check

Check LLProof

type proof = LLProof.t
type res =
| R_ok
| R_fail
val pp_res : res CCFormat.printer
type stats = {
n_ok : int;

steps that were successfully checked

n_fail : int;

steps that failed

n_skip_esa : int;

steps skipped because ESA

n_skip_tags : int;

steps skipped because of theory tags

n_skip_trivial : int;

steps skipped because they are trivial

n_skip : int;

steps skipped, not checked

val pp_stats : stats CCFormat.printer
type check_step_res =
| CS_check of res
| CS_skip of [ `ESA | `Other | `Tags | `Trivial ]

Result for checking only one step

val check : ?⁠dot_prefix:string -> ?⁠before_check:(proof -> unit) -> ?⁠on_check:(proof -> check_step_res -> unit) -> proof -> res * stats