Module Logtk.Util

Some helpers

Time facilities

val total_time_s : unit -> float

time elapsed since start of program, in seconds


module Section : sig ... end

Debug section

val set_debug : int -> unit

Set debug level of Section.root

val get_debug : unit -> int

Set debug level of Section.root

Current debug level for Section.root

val break_on_debug : bool Pervasives.ref

Shall we wait for user input after each debug message?

val debugf : ?⁠section:Section.t -> int -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> ('a -> unit) -> unit

Print a debug message, with the given section and verbosity level. The message might be dropped if its level is too high.

val debug : ?⁠section:Section.t -> int -> string -> unit

Cheap non-formatting version of debugf

val ksprintf_noc : f:(string -> 'a) -> ('b, Format.formatter, unit, 'a) Pervasives.format4 -> 'b

Same as CCFormat.ksprintf, but without colors

val err_spf : ('b, Format.formatter, unit, string) Pervasives.format4 -> 'b

Version of sprintf that adds a colored "error" prefix

val warn : string -> unit

Emit warning

val warnf : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a

Emit warning, with formatting

exception Error of string * string

generalist error that do not really belong elsewhere. Error (where,what) means that error what was raised from where.

val error : where:string -> string -> 'a

error msg raises Error msg

raises Error


val errorf : where:string -> ('b, Format.formatter, unit, 'a) Pervasives.format4 -> 'b

Formatting version of error

val pp_pos : Lexing.position -> string
val set_memory_limit : int -> unit

Limit the amount of memory available to the process (in MB)

val set_time_limit : int -> unit

Limit the CPU time available to the process (in seconds)

OCaml Stack

requires ocaml >= 4.01

module Exn : sig ... end

profiling facilities

type profiler
val enable_profiling : bool Pervasives.ref

Enable/disable profiling

val mk_profiler : string -> profiler

Enable/disable profiling

Create a named profiler

val enter_prof : profiler -> unit

Create a named profiler

Enter the profiler

val exit_prof : profiler -> unit

Enter the profiler

Exit the profiler

val with_prof : profiler -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b

Exit the profiler

Runtime statistics

type stat
val mk_stat : string -> stat
val print_global_stats : comment:string -> unit -> unit

comment prefix

val incr_stat : stat -> unit

comment prefix

val add_stat : stat -> int -> unit

Flags as integers

module Flag : sig ... end


val finally : do_:(unit -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

finally ~do_ f calls f () and returns its result. If it raises, the same exception is raised; in any case, do_ () is called after f () terminates.

val pp_pair : ?⁠sep:string -> 'a CCFormat.printer -> 'b CCFormat.printer -> ('a * 'b) CCFormat.printer
val pp_list : ?⁠sep:string -> 'a CCFormat.printer -> 'a list CCFormat.printer

Print a list without begin/end separators

val pp_seq : ?⁠sep:string -> 'a CCFormat.printer -> 'a Sequence.t CCFormat.printer
val pp_list0 : ?⁠sep:string -> 'a CCFormat.printer -> 'a list CCFormat.printer

Print a list with a whitespace in front if it's non empty, or does nothing if the list is empty Default separator is " "

val tstp_needs_escaping : string -> bool

Is this name a proper TSTP identifier, or does it need ' ' around it?

val pp_str_tstp : string CCFormat.printer

possibly escaping

val pp_var_tstp : string CCFormat.printer

possibly escaping

val ord_option : 'a CCOrd.t -> 'a option CCOrd.t
val take_drop_while : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
val map_product : f:('a -> 'b list list) -> 'a list -> 'b list list
val seq_map_l : f:('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b list Sequence.t
val seq_zipi : 'a Sequence.t -> (int * 'a) Sequence.t
val invalid_argf : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val failwithf : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
module Int_map : CCMap.S with type Int_map.key = int
module Int_set : CCSet.S with type Int_set.elt = int
val escape_dot : string -> string

String escaping for graphviz

File utils

type 'a or_error = ('a, string) CCResult.t
val popen : cmd:string -> input:string -> string or_error

Run the given command cmd with the given input, wait for it to terminate, and return its stdout.