Module Proof

module Proof: sig .. end

Manipulate proofs

module Loc: Logtk.ParseLocation
type form = Logtk.TypedSTerm.t 
type bool_lit = BBox.Lit.t 
type 'a sequence = ('a -> unit) -> unit 
val section : Logtk.Util.Section.t
type statement_src = Logtk.Statement.source 
type rule 
type check = [ `Check | `Check_with of form list | `No_check ] 
How do we check a step?
type kind = 
| Inference of rule * check
| Simplification of rule * check
| Esa of rule * check
| Assert of statement_src
| Goal of statement_src
| Lemma
| Data of statement_src * Logtk.Type.t
| Trivial (*
trivial, or trivial within theories
| By_def of Logtk.ID.t
Classification of proof steps
type result = 
| Form of form
| Clause of SClause.t
| BoolClause of bool_lit list
| Stmt of Logtk.Statement.input_t
| C_stmt of Logtk.Statement.clause_t
type step 
A proof step, without the conclusion
type proof 
Proof Step with its conclusion
type t = proof 
type parent 
type info = Logtk.UntypedAST.attr 
type infos = info list 


module Rule: sig .. end
A rule is a name for some specific inference or transformation rule that is used to deduce formulas from other formulas.


module Kind: sig .. end

Proof Results

A proof is used to deduce some results. We can handle diverse results a different stages of the proof (starting with formulas, ending with clauses)
module Result: sig .. end

A proof step

module Step: sig .. end
An inference step is composed of a set of premises, a rule, a status (theorem/trivial/equisatisfiable…), and is used to deduce new Proof.result using these premises and metadata.


The link between a proof step and some intermediate results used to prove its result
module Parent: sig .. end


A proof is a pair of a result, with its proof step. Typically, a refutation will be a proof of false from axioms and the negated goal.
module S: sig .. end