Module Phases

module Phases: sig .. end

Phases of the Prover

To process a file, the prover goes through a sequence of phases that are used to build values. This module reifies the phases.

type filename = string 
type 'a or_error = ('a, string) CCResult.t 


type env_with_clauses = 
| Env_clauses : 'c Env.packed * 'c CCVector.ro_vector -> env_with_clauses
type env_with_result = 
| Env_result : 'c Env.packed * Saturate.szs_status -> env_with_result
type errcode = int 
type ('ret, 'before, 'after) phase = 
| Init : (unit, 'a, [ `Init ]) phase
| Setup_gc : (unit, [ `Init ], [ `Init ]) phase
| Setup_signal : (unit, [ `Init ], [ `Init ]) phase
| Parse_CLI : (filename list * Params.t, [ `Init ], [ `Parse_cli ]) phase
| LoadExtensions : (Extensions.t list, [ `Parse_cli ], [ `LoadExtensions ]) phase
| Start_file : (filename, [ `LoadExtensions ], [ `Start_file ]) phase
| Parse_file : (Logtk.Input_format.t * Logtk.UntypedAST.statement Sequence.t,
[ `Start_file ], [ `Parse_file ])
| Typing : (Logtk.TypeInference.typed_statement CCVector.ro_vector, [ `Parse_file ],
[ `Typing ])
| CNF : (Logtk.Statement.clause_t CCVector.ro_vector, [ `Typing ], [ `CNF ])
| Compute_prec : (Logtk.Precedence.t, [ `CNF ], [ `Precedence ]) phase
| Compute_ord_select : (Logtk.Ordering.t * Selection.t, [ `Precedence ], [ `Compute_ord_select ])
| MakeCtx : ((module Ctx.S), [ `Compute_ord_select ], [ `MakeCtx ]) phase
| MakeEnv : (env_with_clauses, [ `MakeCtx ], [ `MakeEnv ]) phase
| Pre_saturate : ('c Env.packed * Saturate.szs_status * 'c CCVector.ro_vector, [ `MakeEnv ],
[ `Pre_saturate ])
| Saturate : (env_with_result, [ `Pre_saturate ], [ `Saturate ]) phase
| Print_stats : (unit, [ `Saturate ], [ `Print_stats ]) phase
| Print_result : (unit, [ `Print_stats ], [ `Print_result ]) phase
| Print_dot : (unit, [ `Print_result ], [ `Print_dot ]) phase
| Check_proof : (errcode, [ `Print_dot ], [ `Check_proof ]) phase
| Exit : (unit, 'b, [ `Exit ]) phase
type any_phase = 
| Any_phase : ('a, 'b, 'c) phase -> any_phase (*
A phase hidden in an existential type

Main Type

type (+'a, 'p1, 'p2) t 
Monad type, representing an action starting at phase 'p1 and stopping at phase 'p2
val string_of_phase : ('a, 'b, 'c) phase -> string
val string_of_any_phase : any_phase -> string
val return : 'a -> ('a, 'p, 'p) t
Return a value into the monad
val fail : string -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
Fail with the given error message
val return_err : 'a or_error -> ('a, 'p, 'p) t
val exit : (unit, 'a, [ `Exit ]) t
val start_phase : ('a, 'p1, 'p2) phase -> (unit, 'p1, [ `InPhase of 'p2 ]) t
Start the given phase
val return_phase : 'a -> ('a, [ `InPhase of 'p2 ], 'p2) t
Finish the given phase
val return_phase_err : 'a or_error -> ('a, [ `InPhase of 'p2 ], 'p2) t
val current_phase : (any_phase, 'a, 'p2) t
Get the current phase
val with_phase : ('a, 'p1, 'p2) phase -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> ('a, 'p1, 'p2) t
Start phase, call f () to get the result, return its result using Phases.return_phase
val with_phase1 : ('b, 'p1, 'p2) phase -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> ('b, 'p1, 'p2) t
val with_phase2 : ('c, 'p1, 'p2) phase ->
f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> ('c, 'p1, 'p2) t
val bind : ('a, 'p_before, 'p_middle) t ->
f:('a -> ('b, 'p_middle, 'p_after) t) ->
('b, 'p_before, 'p_after) t
bind state f calls f to go one step further from state
val map : ('a, 'p1, 'p2) t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> ('b, 'p1, 'p2) t
Map the current value
val fold_l : f:('a -> 'b -> ('a, 'p, 'p) t) ->
x:'a -> 'b list -> ('a, 'p, 'p) t
val run_parallel : (errcode, 'p1, 'p2) t list ->
(errcode, 'p1, 'p2) t
run_sequentiel l runs each action of the list in succession, restarting every time with the initial state (once an action has finished, its state is discarded). Only the very last state is kept. If any errcode is non-zero, then the evaluation stops with this errcode
module Infix: sig .. end
include Phases.Infix
val empty_state : Logtk.Flex_state.t
val get : (Logtk.Flex_state.t, 'a, 'a) t
val set : Logtk.Flex_state.t -> (unit, 'a, 'a) t
val get_key : 'a Logtk.Flex_state.key -> ('a, 'b, 'b) t
get_key k returns the value associated with k in the state
val set_key : 'a Logtk.Flex_state.key -> 'a -> (unit, 'b, 'b) t
val update : f:(Logtk.Flex_state.t -> Logtk.Flex_state.t) -> (unit, 'a, 'a) t
update ~f changes the state using f
val run_with : Logtk.Flex_state.t ->
('a, [ `Init ], [ `Exit ]) t ->
(Logtk.Flex_state.t * 'a) or_error
run_with state m executes the actions in m starting with state, returning some value (or error) and the final state.
val run : ('a, [ `Init ], [ `Exit ]) t ->
(Logtk.Flex_state.t * 'a) or_error
run m is run_with empty_state m
module Key: sig .. end