Module CallProver

module CallProver: sig .. end

Call external provers with TSTP

type 'a or_error = [ `Error of string | `Ok of 'a ] 
type untyped = Libzipperposition.STerm.t 
module A: Ast_tptp

Description of provers

module Prover: sig .. end
val name : Prover.t -> string
Name of the prover

Run provers

type result = 
| Unsat
| Sat
| Unknown
| Error of string
val call : ?timeout:int ->
?args:string list ->
prover:Prover.t ->
untyped A.t list -> result or_error
Call the prover (if present) on the given problem, and return a result. Default timeout is 30.
val call_proof : ?timeout:int ->
?args:string list ->
prover:Prover.t ->
untyped A.t list ->
(result * Trace_tstp.t) or_error
Call the prover, and also tries to parse a TSTP derivation, if the prover succeeded
val call_with_out : ?timeout:int ->
?args:string list ->
prover:Prover.t ->
untyped A.t list ->
(result * string) or_error
Same as, but also returns the raw output of the prover

E-prover specific functions

module Eprover: sig .. end