Module Unif

module Unif: sig .. end

Unification and Matching

type subst = Substs.t 
type 'a sequence = ('a -> unit) -> unit 
exception Fail
Raised when a unification/matching attempt fails
val occurs_check : depth:int ->
subst -> InnerTerm.t HVar.t Scoped.t -> InnerTerm.t Scoped.t -> bool


module type S = Unif_intf.S

Base (scoped terms)

module Inner: S  with type term = InnerTerm.t and type ty = InnerTerm.t
To be used only on terms without InnerTerm.Multiset constructor


module Ty: S  with type term = Type.t and type ty = Type.t
module FO: S  with type term = FOTerm.t and type ty = Type.t