Module StatementSrc

module StatementSrc: sig .. end

Statement Source

Where a statement originally comes from (file, location, named statement, or result of some transformations, etc.)

type from_file = {
   file : string;
   name : string option;
   loc : ParseLocation.t option;
type t = 
| From_file of from_file
| Neg of t
| CNF of t
val file : from_file -> string
val name : from_file -> string option
val loc : from_file -> ParseLocation.t option
val from_file : ?loc:ParseLocation.t -> ?name:string -> string -> t
make a new sourced item. Default is_conjecture is false.
val neg : t -> t
val cnf : t -> t
val pp_from_file : from_file CCFormat.printer
include Interfaces.PRINT